Elena's Reviews

Six of Crows Review – The Absolute Best Book of 2022

Written by: Elena B.

Welcome to my spoiler-free Six of Crows review! (Click here for a much longer fan-girl review, and connect with me on Goodreads!)

This year has gone by so fast, and November is slipping by even faster. It is getting colder and colder here in Virginia, and I hate it, but at least I can curl up with a book, blanket, and cup of tea without judgement (as if I haven’t done that all year ;). Luckily, I have wonderful books to keep me occupied. Today, I’m chatting to you about a book that is not new to the world, but a new favorite of mine; Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo.

Quick Synopsis

Title: Six of Crows

Author: Leigh Bardugo

Pages: 462

Rating: 5 stars | CAWPILE: 9.6

Genre: High Fantasy; Dystopian

Format: Hardcover

Publisher: Henry Holt and Co. on 29 September 2015



Ketterdam: a bustling hub of international trade where anything can be had for the right price—and no one knows that better than criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker. Kaz is offered a chance at a deadly heist that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. But he can’t pull it off alone. . . .

A convict with a thirst for revenge
A sharpshooter who can’t walk away from a wager
A runaway with a privileged past
A spy known as the Wraith
A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums
A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes

Kaz’s crew is the only thing that might stand between the world and destruction—if they don’t kill each other first.

See Goodreads for more

Six of Crows Review

I had no idea how I was going to feel about this book going into it. I worried I was going to hate it despite the supersonic ratings and reviews from literally every bookish person in this community. My feelings towards it couldn’t be more opposite from what I expected I’d feel. 

Six of Crows officially made my top five books, which no book has competed for since I read The Selection in 2020. These characters, this setting, the ROMANCE made me want to ditch everything and go live in Ketterdam, despite the fact that I’d definitely die on day one. 🤷‍♀️ 

*It’s not necessary to read Shadow and Bone before reading this. It’s slower in the beginning, but it picks up about 4-6 chapters in.*

“A gambler, a convict, a wayward son, a lost Grisha, a Suli girl who had become a killer, a boy from the Barrel who had become something worse.”

Characters – 10/10

Kaz has a bad reputation and is nicknamed “Dirtyhands,” in the Barrel, though he does have some sort of moral alignment. He’s ruthless and conniving, manipulative and distrusting, cold-hearted and vengeful, but he cares about his friends deeply. He may be out to save the world, but he’s only in it for the cash. There’s always a trick up his sleeve, and he’s always striving to be in control of a situation. When something goes wrong, he formulates a new plan, but it always seems realistic to his both his character and the story. We weren’t in his head as much as I wanted, but when we were, Leigh made it count.

Inej felt so human. She had so much depth and I felt raw emotion when I read about her life, both past and present. I look up to Inej because she proves that it’s possible to overcome struggle and heartache. She shows you how to make the best of a situation and use the tools you’re given to create a better life. Inej knows who she is and what she wants, and she’s not afraid to work for it. She’s such a bada$$ character. I also love Inej because she doesn’t settle. She knows what she wants and will not accept anything less.

Nina is so bold and loud and incredibly flirtatious. Every time I was in Nina’s head, I just laughed until my stomach hurt. She’s so sarcastic and has the FUNNIEST comebacks. She has her head on her shoulders, is confident in who she is, savors every moment, and just enjoys being herself.

Matthias had the best character arc of the six. At first, he is cold and hateful and unforgiving, but he develops soft spots for his crew and desires to protect them at all costs. He gives me huge alpha-male, brooding, scary-on-the-outside-but-actually-a-cinnamon-roll vibes and is also sarcastic and has the best banter with Nina.

Jesper looks past what most people see and into the soul. He sees the good in everyone and expects it, too. He’s witty, full of himself, and has good intentions, but is also incredibly impulsive. And he is SO FLIRTY. We didn’t get as much of his backstory as I would’ve hoped (especially compared to the others), but I feel like it almost fit his character better that way. He just doesn’t seem like a person that wants to live in the past. 

Wylan is such a cinnamon roll. He’s so kind and innocent, and he can’t read and write (due to his dyslexia), which causes him so much heartache. Wylan grows more confident as he’s assured of his worth. His character development is one of the best ones for sure. He’s calculated but proud of his demolition skills. He’s unused to violence but also has his moments. We also don’t see this story from his perspective at any point in time, which is definitely sad.

Atmosphere – 9/10

Bardugo did an amazing job of capturing these really dark, slightly spooky vibes. I also loved the audiobook because there was a different narrator for each character.

Writing – 10

The writing is so excruciatingly beautiful, but it’s not try-hard at all. It’s some of the most naturally poetic writing I’ve ever seen. It’s not flowery, but it packs a punch with every word. There are some AMAZING lines in this book that have stuck with me for months. I loved the third person perspective because we had a clear view of every situation, while still having the pleasure of being surprised.

Plot – 10

We are thrown into this world without context, but I loved it that way. It was much more of an adventure because I had to figure it out as I went. I didn’t see any plot twists coming from a mile away.

Intrigue – 10

There are so many different conflicts that weave together, and the bit of mystery kept me guessing and really drove the plot forward. The plot was never too slow for my liking, and I was never bored.

Logic – 9

I love magic worlds with strict rules that make sense. This world had a tough magic system, but I was never confused. Ketterdam seemed like it could be real because there were clear lines and rules that people either kept or defied.

Enjoyment – 9.5

I had high expectations for Six of Crows but didn’t know what to expect at the same time. I came out of this reading experience with a new favorite.

Trigger Warnings

Violence: 3/5 (Graphic knife violence, murder, shattering bones, ripping out eyes, etc.)

Sexual Content/Innuendoes: 2.5/5 (Lots of references to sex, but nothing on-the-page; one of the characters was sold into the sex trade)

Language: 1.5/5 (1 use of f*ck!ng and infrequent uses of a$$ and d@mn)

Misc: Slavery, racism, drug abuse

*Deals with intense subjects of emotional and physical trauma and PTSD

Recommend: 10/10 for 14+

One Word Summary: Masterpiece

Movie Rating: TV-14

Recommendations based on this book:

Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo (the sequel)

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

Chat with us about Six of Crows!

Have you read Six of Crows? What are your thoughts? Has this review made you want to check it out?

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