Maddie's Reviews

The Selection Series Review – One of The Best Series Ever

Written By: Maddie J.

Hey, hey! It’s been a pretty warm week here in Virginia, and I wish for snow every day closer to Christmas! Keep your fingers crossed for us!

I’m sure this will shock everyone, but I just read this series in 2 days. Well, the first three books in 2 days. This series is very near and dear to my heart, and I am so glad to be able to share it with you! (Just a warning this’ll be a LONG post. 😂)

The Selection by Kiera Cass! It’s technically a 5 book series, but most fans split it into 2 separate series. The first being:

~The Selection #1

~The Elite #2

~The One #3

Those three take place over America’s (America is the main character) selection. The second part,

~The Heir #4 and

~The Crown #5

take place during her daughter Eadlyn’s selection. Between those two “series,” the first is the most popular. And that will be the one I speak to you about today! Keep an eye out for the next one about the other two books!

“True love is usually the most inconvenient kind.”

America Singer

what’s it all about?

5 Stars | CAWPILE 9.7

For thirty-five girls, the Selection is the chance of a lifetime. The opportunity to escape the life laid out for them since birth. To be swept up in a world of glittering gowns and priceless jewels. To live in a palace and compete for the heart of gorgeous Prince Maxon.

But for America Singer, being Selected is a nightmare. It means turning her back on her secret love with Aspen, who is a caste below her. Leaving her home to enter a fierce competition for a crown she doesn’t want. Living in a palace that is constantly threatened by violent rebel attacks.

Then America meets Prince Maxon. Gradually, she starts to question all the plans she’s made for herself—and realizes that the life she’s always dreamed of may not compare to a future she never imagined.

See Goodreads for more.

5 Stars | CAWPILE 9.5

The Selection began with thirty-five girls. Now with the group narrowed down to the six Elite, the competition to win Prince Maxon’s heart is fiercer than ever—and America is still struggling to decide where her heart truly lies. Is it with Maxon, who could make her life a fairy tale? Or with her first love, Aspen?

America is desperate for more time. But the rest of the Elite know exactly what they want—and America’s chance to choose is about to slip away.

See Goodreads for more.

5 Stars | CAWPILE 10

The time has come for one winner to be crowned.

When she was chosen to compete in the Selection, America never dreamed she would find herself anywhere close to the crown—or to Prince Maxon’s heart. But as the end of the competition approaches, and the threats outside the palace walls grow more vicious, America realizes just how much she stands to lose—and how hard she’ll have to fight for the future she wants.

See Goodreads for more.

The Selection Series Review

Overall, this series has a total grand rating of 5/5 stars and 97%! The only reason it’s not 100% is because I did have a beef with a couple characters, which I will discuss. My favorite out of the three is definitely…. hmm. I was gonna say The One, but The Selection is so good too! Each has so many good parts!


America Singer- I LOVE America y’all! She is such a a fierce, fiery, bad-as$ girl. But, a girl nonetheless. She’s boy crazy, and gets sooo confused by them. She holds grudges and fights for what she believes in, but doesn’t mind gossiping or dressing up. Understanding that balance is best in life, she fights to find it, even if she’s not the greatest. She inspires me so much because she has flaws. And she’s insecure. Her growth through the series is so incredible. While she isn’t afraid to share her opinions at the beginning, she gets more bold about it as the series goes on. When the pressures of the king and the Selection press harder on her, she just fights back. She doesn’t try to fit the mold, and she doesn’t let others change her.

Prince Maxon Schreve- While I love America, I may do love Maxon more. Kiera Cass designed pretty much the perfect man. (And I’m in love with Edward Cullen already, but Maxon gives him a RUN for his money.) But he isn’t perfect in that sense of the word (as in flawless). He still has flaws! He has anger issues, and does lash out sometimes. (He never hits America, or causes ANYONE physical harm by the way.) He yells. He makes rash decisions. But his “home” (or should I say castle? 🤣) life, isn’t all as picture-perfect as it seems.

Aspen Leger- Aspen is at the VERY opposite end of the spectrum for me. And, I’m sorry to say this but…. I DESPISE Aspen. The first time I read it I wasn’t a huge fan of him, and each time after that my liking of him just went down. I’ve tried to see past his flaws like I do with Maxon, but Maxon had qualities that redeemed him. Aspen… Aspen just didn’t really have any. Okay, now that I think about it, he does have a few, and, yes, you have to look deeper for them. He’s loyal. He really cares about his family, which I respect him for immensely, but I just can’t get over what he did to America. (If I talk about it I will spoil the ENTIRE thing.)

King Clarkson Schreve – Y’all, I feel NO remorse for him. Zero. Zip. Zilch. He deserved everything that happened to him. Let me give you this advice. If people are unhappy with the way your country is being run, don’t (as the leader) just murder them all or make their life worse. And also don’t ignore the problems. It’ll come back to bite you in the butt.

Queen Amberly Schreve – Unlike Clarkson, I feel total and absolute remorse over her. Nothing that happened to her should’ve happened. She should’ve been… ugh. Stupid having to write spoiler free. 😂 😭 Okay, I’ll just say this then. Amberly was the perfect embodiment of everything a mother should be. Sure, she had her flaws (just like every one of these characters), but she was just so pure.

Marlee Tames – If I could bring out any character from The Selection, it would probably be Marlee. (Or Maxon. Wait…. I really can’t choose! GAH! 🤣😫) Marlee is such a QUEEN. While she is more reserved than America and less of a partier than Celeste and Kriss (you’ll hear about them later), she’s not afraid to speak her mind and let herself go and have fun sometimes. She knows what love is and when to stop, so she won’t lead someone on. (Which, if I’m being honest, is a trait most of us need. 🤣)

Celeste Newsome – While I really despised her at the beginning of the series, I grew to LOVE her by the end of the books! I would LOVE to know the end Celeste in real life. Celeste has an air of superiority around her, and that’s made very clear from the first time we met her. But under all that, there is still a girl! A teenage girl who is just trying to figure it out like the rest of us are.

Kriss Ambers – While we did know Kriss, I really wish we could’ve gotten to know her better. I know America tried her best to get to know everyone in the Selection, but in all the scenes where the girls really get to talk and (as America puts it) “just be girls” it never fills us in. And because if that, we don’t ever really get to know some of these girls. What we did get to know of Kriss though, I loved. She’s caring, and very in tune with other’s feelings. She tries her hardest at whatever she does and her best work in everything.


The overall atmosphere of these books was incredible. Kiera did so well balancing everything out. The love triangle didn’t rule over the romance (each boy got sweet moments with the girl)! The romance was perfectly balanced with he rebellions, and I loved every second of it. ❤️


I LOVE the writing of these books. It flows SO WELL and I’m never left confused of lost. I always understand what was happening. I could easily follow the romance and I could really FEEL America’s emotions. Her heartbreak, her longings, her joy, and her sadness.


I think I tapped on this in the “Atmosphere” category, but everything balanced each other out. And, even though I’ve read it multiple times, I always feel anxious, like I don’t know how it ends!


Every aspect of the books drew me in. On every page, I found it harder and harder to put it down and do all of the things I had to do.


Like I previously said, it all made sense! The storyline flowed so well, and I couldn’t find any plot holes.


I enjoyed this 100%!!! It’s one of my comfort reads (Next to Twilight of course. 😏)

Trigger Warnings

Language- 1/5 B!+(h, D@m#, H3!l, God (The same through all the books)

Drugs- 0/5

Sexual Content/Innuendos– 3/5

The Selection:

~Aspen touches America intimately

~Passionate Kissing in a Bed

~Mentions of sex (no one has it, but it is talked about)

The Elite:

~Passionate Kissing

~Celeste and Maxon are caught kissing passionately in the hall

~Mentions of sex (no one has it, but it is talked about)

The One:

~Passionate Kissing

~Maxon and America make out passionately in her bed, and they strip down to underwear

~Mentions of sex (no one has it, but it is talked about)

Other Things To Know:

~One Character is beaten with a belt/rod by their father

~Characters deal with starving

~Living in poor conditions

~Inability to have children

“Break my heart. Break it a thousand times if you like. It was only ever yours to break anyway.”

Maxon SchreAve

Recomandation: 10/10 for Ages 13-14+

One Word Summary: Phenomenal

Movie Rating: PG-13

If you like The Selection Series, check out these other books:

The Betrothed by Kiera Cass

Cinder by Marissa Meyer


Have you read The Selection, the Elite, or The One? Wanna chat about it? Let us know through the comments, or chat about it with us on Goodreads! (Maddie | Elena)

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